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Gwaith ieuenctid


Mae’n bwysig iawn fod ansawdd ein gwaith ieuenctid yn cael ei gynnal ar lefel uchel. Yn 1992, daeth Clybiau Bechgyn a Merched Cymru yn elusen ac rydyn ni’n aml yn derbyn gwobrau sy’n achredu safon ein hansawdd. Mae’r rhain yn cynnwys dyfarniadau gan Fuddsoddwyr mewn Pobl a’r Marc Ansawdd.


Rydyn ni’n cefnogi ein clybiau i wella’u hansawdd trwy ddarparu cyngor ar sut i gyflawni ansawdd cydnabyddedig ac ennill statws elusennol. Yn ogystal â hynny, mae pob clwb yn derbyn ein Llawlyfr i Glybiau sy’n rhoi cyngor ymarferol ar sut i ddarparu gwaith ieuenctid o safon i bobl ifanc. Rydyn ni’n rhoi cyfle i bob arweinydd a gwirfoddolwr ennill Gwobr Lefel 2 mewn Gwaith Ieuenctid a Thystysgrif Lefel 3 mewn Gwaith Ieuenctid. Cyflwynir y gwobrau hyn mewn partneriaeth ag Addysg Oedolion Cymru.


Mae gan ymddiriedolwyr, gwirfoddolwyr ac arweinwyr sydd am ennill dealltwriaeth bellach o waith ieuenctid yn ogystal ag ennill cymhwyster lefel mynediad 2, hefyd y cyfle i gymryd rhan yn Rhaglen Gynefino CCGIG sef  “Cam Tuag at Waith Ieuenctid”.

Not Your Usual Hustings 2024

As the General Election was called earlier, Jayne managed and organised the “Not Your Usual Hustings” Event and it was held in a trampoline park on 27/06/24 with a strapline “Jump Into Politics”. It was well attended by over 72 young people across Wales, a majority of these young people were from marginalised groups and would not generally engage in any sort of politics or recognise the importance of why they should. They submitted their questions prior to the event and met with 6 politicians from different parties face to face, and asked their questions on the topics of education, health, transport, care issues, homelessness, home schooling and youth work. 

Hustings 2024

We are delighted to hear that we have been chosen as

The runner up of the UK Parliament Week Champion of the Year Award

On 25th March 2024 young people and youth workers from Boys' and Girls' Clubs of Wales will be visiting the Houses of Parliament to attend the award ceremony which is hosted by Mr Speaker and The Rt Hon Sir Lindsay Hoyle MP.

Democratic Engagement Project (2023-2025)

Mae’n bwysig iawn fod ansawdd ein gwaith ieuenctid yn cael ei gynnal ar lefel uchel. Yn 1992, daeth Clybiau Bechgyn a Merched Cymru yn elusen ac rydyn ni’n aml yn derbyn gwobrau sy’n achredu safon ein hansawdd. Mae’r rhain yn cynnwys dyfarniadau gan Fuddsoddwyr mewn Pobl a’r Marc Ansawdd.


Rydyn ni’n cefnogi ein clybiau i wella’u hansawdd trwy ddarparu cyngor ar sut i gyflawni ansawdd cydnabyddedig ac ennill statws elusennol. Yn ogystal â hynny, mae pob clwb yn derbyn ein Llawlyfr i Glybiau sy’n rhoi cyngor ymarferol ar sut i ddarparu gwaith ieuenctid o safon i bobl ifanc. Rydyn ni’n rhoi cyfle i bob arweinydd a gwirfoddolwr ennill Gwobr Lefel 2 mewn Gwaith Ieuenctid a Thystysgrif Lefel 3 mewn Gwaith Ieuenctid. Cyflwynir y gwobrau hyn mewn partneriaeth ag Addysg Oedolion Cymru.


Mae gan ymddiriedolwyr, gwirfoddolwyr ac arweinwyr sydd am ennill dealltwriaeth bellach o waith ieuenctid yn ogystal ag ennill cymhwyster lefel mynediad 2, hefyd y cyfle i gymryd rhan yn Rhaglen Gynefino CCGIG sef  “Cam Tuag at Waith Ieuenctid”.


Do you support young people to have a voice within their club or community about the things that matter to them? If so we are looking for volunteers who want to run political workshops and hold ‘Raise Your Voice Cafes’. You don't have to know about politics as training will be given to support you to deliver sessions, which are aimed to educate the young people. Sessions are based on activities and having fun so everyone can join in and we will give you the packs, resources & Pizza to run the sessions.

For more information please contact or calling the office on 02920 575705


Club visits have been made to see how Jayne can support clubs who want to support the young people to engage with politics workshops or a social action project for their club or community.

Homemade Pizza

Pizza & Politics (2022)

From February 2022 to May 2022, our partner Swansea MAD worked with young people to create and share content about the things that matter to them. This content was then shared via the Raise Your Voice website and social media outlets, while BGC Wales ran Pizza and Politics sessions in the lead-up to local elections in affiliated clubs. These sessions were designed to help give young people a flavour of what politics is all about at a local level and to encourage debate about the issues that are important to them in their community.


We aim to continue to make young people part of the political process to enable them to shape their future and the future of the Wales the country they live in.

Talking about politics with young people is ‘Easy Cheesy’


Pizza and Politics sessions took place in the run up to the local elections that were held on 5th May 2022. Our project staff visited 20 affiliated clubs and worked with almost 450 young people across the BGC Wales network to deliver the Pizza & Politics sessions.


The project was a direct continuation of our Raise Your Voice campaign which helped young people to explore matters that were important to them and how the political landscape could impact on those things. If you’d like more information then please visit RaiseYourVoice.Wales or CodaDyLais.Cymru

Raise Your Voice

Raise your voice

We are incredibly proud to have won a Youth Work Excellence Award 2021 in the category of Demonstrating Excellence in Partnership Planning and Delivery at the national level along with our partners Swansea MAD and Deryn for the Raise Your Voice Project. The Welsh Government funded project was focused first on the 2021 Senedd Elections and then set its sights on the 2022 local elections. The aim was to get young people in Wales talking about politics and how it affects their lives and the things they care about.

Since September 2023, our project staff team has been busy delivering Pizza and Politics to our network clubs. Sessions are designed to encourage discussion and debate about matters that are important to young people. Pizza and Politics provides great opportunities to break down barriers to existing political processes, plus, who doesn't like pizza?!?

We have been out and about delivering sessions specifically around the Police and Crime Commissioner  and educating the young people on this role and the importance of having a voice and voting. These sessions have been aimed at the young people who volunteer in the SWPV hubs throughout south wales.

We have also been busy working with Coleg Y Cymoedd educating the young people around politics and supporting them to register to vote. To date we have engaged with and educated 215 young people. If you’d like us to visit your club, school or college to run a session please contact



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