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Mae chwaraeon wedi bod yn rhan bwysig o Glybiau Bechgyn a Merched Cymru am dros 90 o flynyddoedd, ac rydyn ni’n dal i’w defnyddio fel modd i ddatblygu pobl ifanc. Trwy gymryd rhan yn aml mewn chwaraeon, gall pobl ifanc ennill profiadau newydd yn ogystal â hunanhyder, cymhelliant a sgiliau cyfathrebu gwerthfawr.


Mae’r Sefydliad yn ddiolchgar am gefnogaeth y gwirfoddolwyr yn yr holl chwaraeon yr ydym yn eu cyflawni, a heb eu cefnogaeth, ni fyddai’r bobl ifanc yn cael y cyfleoedd hyn. Rydyn ni’n cymryd rhan mewn nifer o chwaraeon, gyda sawl un ohonynt yn seiliedig ar gystadleuaeth, tra bo nifer o rai eraill yn cael eu defnyddio i wella datblygiad pobl ifanc. Isod, fe geir gwybodaeth fanylach am y chwaraeon yr ydyn ni’n ymwneud â nhw fwyaf.

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Another important sport in our organisation is Cross Country and Athletics in which we have been engaged for over 50 years.

Every year Boys’ and Girls’ Clubs of Wales joins a major Athletic competition, organised by NABGC (National Association of Boys and Girls Clubs) hosted by Essex Boys and Girls Club



Boxing is a traditional sport in the Boys’ Clubs since its early beginnings. It is a fantastic sport to engage young people in and many of the Welsh World Champions have started their career in one of our affiliated clubs.

The World Champions, Nathan Cleverley and Joe Calzaghe, have both represented Boys’ and Girls’ Clubs of Wales at the British Championships.

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Our Football section is split into Girls’ and Boys’ teams. The representative football squads are chosen during trials from all our member clubs.  All age groups frequently take part in the historic fixture against the Boys’ and Girls’ Clubs of Scotland. 

During the past 60 years in which our organisation has supported football in its member clubs, many football players have started professional careers after representing Boys’ and Girls’ Clubs of Wales. These include Brian Flynn, Alan Curtis, Robert Page and John Hartson.



Our Rugby section consists of two boys teams U16s and U18s, and one girls team U16s. During Talent ID, the best Rugby players from all our member clubs are chosen to represent BGC Wales at international tournaments.

Many successful Welsh Rugby player such as Morgan Stoddart, Richard Hibbard, Tomos Williams and Dewi Lake have played for BGC Wales before starting their successful professional careers.

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