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FLW (Finland, Latvia, Wales) - Follow

LCFf (Latfia, Cymru, Ffindir) - Llawenydd yn Croesi Ffiniau 

We are so happy to have been the Welsh youth-based partner for the Follow Project. FLW (LCFf) ran from June 2021 until February 2023. The project - a collaboration of 6 organisations across Finland, Latvia and Wales - aimed to work to empower female and non-male identifying groups of young people through the medium of contemporary dance. It particularly emphasised engaging young people who otherwise could or would not be able to access dance. Each nation had two partner organisations, one dance-based and one youth-based. For more information on the planning stage click here & for the kick-off seminar event click here.

In Wales, we worked with AZ Elite to support female and non-male identifying young people aged 15-25 to develop their dance skills over the course of 12 months in 2022. We have focused on the attitude that anyone can dance. Furthermore, the young people engaged have used the sessions to explore complex topics such as politics and empowerment and delivered a Welsh showcase event. In June 2022, BGC Wales sent two staff members to Finland to meet with our coworkers from Tampere and Latvia to exchange good practice - click here for more.

The Latvian Exchange in August 2022 (in Luznava, Latgale) brought together 39 young people from all over the world, based in Finland, Latvia and Wales respectively. These young people exchanged experiences, culture and friendship over the week they spent in Luznava Miza culminating in a shared group showcase performance.​ The young people involved were a credit to the organisation. For more information on the Latvian Exchange please click here

Finally in January 2023 young people and staff from Finland, Latvia came together at the Lodge in Bettws, Bridgend, Wales for a final dissemination event to reflect on the project. Their reflections on the value of the project for their development can be seen in the attached review document and videos:


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