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Sut gallwch chi helpu?

Ein cenhadaeth yw cynorthwyo yn natblygiad moesol, diwylliannol, meddyliol a chorfforol y bobl ifanc, fel y gallant drosglwyddo’n esmwyth i’w bywyd fel oedolion. Dyna pam rydyn ni’n credu yn ein gwaith a’n heffaith ar y gymuned.


Gallwch gyfrannu arian i’n cynorthwyo. Mae rhoddion yn ddefnyddiol i brynu deunyddiau, talu rhenti ar gyfer ein swyddfa, trefnu cynlluniau cyfnewid ieuenctid, ac ati.

Alternative Options

Mae cyfraniad bach yn gwneud newid enfawr

Trwy gyfrannu, gallwch ein helpu ni’n ariannol. Mae rhoddion nid yn unig yn ddefnyddiol i brynu deunyddiau a thalu rhenti ar gyfer ein swyddfa, rydyn ni hefyd yn cefnogi dros 100 o glybiau ac yn trefnu llawer o raglenni i helpu pobl ifanc ddatblygu’u sgiliau a’u potensial, ac i wella dyfodol eu bywydau.


Am fwy o wybodaeth, cliciwch ar y botwm “Cyfrannwch nawr” / “Donate Now” isod - bydd yn agor ffenestr newydd i’n safle cyfrannu. Diolch!


Am ffordd arall o gyfrannu, ewch i – mae e am ddim i chi ac yn help enfawr i ni

Gallwch hefyd wneud rhodd trwy siopa yn AmazonSmile ( Mae hon yn rhaglen sy’n rhoi rhoddion i’ch hoff elusen heb unrhyw gost ychwanegol. Pan fyddwch chi’n siopa yn AmazonSmile, bydd 0.5% o’ch pryniannau cymwys ar Amazon yn cael eu rhoi i’r elusen o’ch dewis.


Felly, dechreuwch nawr trwy fynd at a mewngofnodi gyda’ch cyfrif Amazon. Yna, dewiswch i gefnogi Clybiau Bechgyn a Merched Cymru. Y cyfan sydd raid i chi ei wneud yw siopa fel arfer - mae hi mor syml â hynny. Diolch am eich cefnogaeth ymlaen llaw.

How it works: step-by-step


The most important thing to remember is to start from Give as you Live Online. There are three great ways to do this:

Website - you can browse all 6,000 participating stores.

Donation Reminder - get reminders as you browse the web so you never miss a donation.

App - available for iPhone, iPad and Android, you can raise on the go.

Once you've found your store, just follow our link to their website. We'll do the rest!


Now you've visited your chosen store via Give as you Live Online, simply shop as normal.

You won't typically see anything different on the store's website, but as long as you've visited them via our link, they'll know you're a Give as you Live Online shopper.


That's it! We'll email you to let you know how much has been raised for Boys' And Girls' Clubs Of Wales.

We can do this because we are partnered with 6,000 stores as well as dozens of providers across insurance, energy and broadband. Because of this relationship, when you visit a retailer via Give as you Live Online and make a purchase, they give us a reward as a "thank you".

With this reward, we make a donation to the charity of your choice!

Give As You Live

Being part of One Lottery means that with your support we can help to generate regular sustainable funding. This will enable us to continue to help our young people thrive and access opportunities that in many cases are life-changing – but we couldn't do it without you.

Buying a ticket through One Lottery means that we can continue to grow and provide our services. So whether you buy 1 ticket or 10 tickets, thank you.


Good Luck! - Gayle Harris

One Lottery
Taith Y Ddriag

Sponsorship and Support


Thanks to "Taith" Welsh Government Funding, Boys and Girls Clubs of Wales is able to take 14 young people from across South Wales to the USA on a journey of a lifetime!
They will be travelling to the West Coast of America visiting
Seattle, Skagit County and Montana for a week.

They will be meeting young people from similar youth groups including Boys and Girls Clubs of America, they will be learning about young people's lives and culture, making lifelong friends and most important of all, having fun! 

The young people who are going on this trip would not have had the opportunity to experience this kind of trip if it wasn't for TAITH and BGC Wales!

Two are doing a Skydive, one is doing a 10k Run - you can support these young people or donate to our appeal page generally - see link below.

We are seeking funds to do some extra activities and support the trip due to the increasing costs of travelling! 

If you can help make this trip a memorable one for young people, please donate to our appeal!

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Pencoed Technology Park,
Bridgend CF35 5HZ

02920 575705

© Boys' and Girls' Clubs of Wales. All rights reserved.
Charity number:  1203908 (formerly 1009142)

General Data Protection Regulation 2016 and the Data Protection Act 2018

Information provided by you will be held and processed on a computer system. BGC Wales will take all reasonable precautions to ensure its confidentiality and to comply with the principles contained in the GDPR and the 2018 Data Protection Act. BGC Wales will deal with all personal info provided on this form in accordance with GDPR and Data Protection Act 2018.

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