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Active Inclusion

Active Inclusion has been running since February 2021 and will continue until February 2022. The project focuses on assisting NEET (not in education, employment or training) young people, aged 16-25, from across South Wales into some form of work, learning or volunteering. 


BGC Wales has two projects under this heading. East - covering Cardiff and the Vale of Glamorgan and West - covering Bridgend and Swansea. The West project is a strand 1 project, aiming to provide support, training and upskilling opportunities to help young people gain the knowledge and understanding required to enter the world of work. The East project is a combined strand 1 and 2 project, which does the above as well as providing the opportunity for 16 young people to access 16 or 26 week paid supported employment placements in a variety of sectors. 


Throughout the project, we have collaborated with outside organisations such as Subway and our club network to provide and create supportive work environments for our participants to experience. 


The project has been supported by the European Social Fund through Welsh Government.


For more information contact: (West) or (East)


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HQ - Pencoed Technology Park,
Bridgend CF35 5HZ

The Lodge - Heol Dewi Sant, Bettws, Bridgend CF32 8TA

02920 575705

© Boys' and Girls' Clubs of Wales. All rights reserved.
Charity number:  1203908 (formerly 1009142)

General Data Protection Regulation 2016 and the Data Protection Act 2018

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