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Youth Exchanges

Youth exchanges allow groups of young people from different countries to meet and participate in shared projects during a short period of time, from one to three weeks. Our regular German-Welsh youth exchange has been running since 2004 with Sportkreisjugend Rems-Murr from Leonberg, near Stuttgart. In alternating years, young people from Germany travel to Wales or young people from Wales travel to Germany.

​Having previously been funded by Erasmus+, the youth exchange will be continuing in 2023 with young people from our clubs travelling to Germany funded by Taith. For more information, please get in touch with Ethan at

Our current CEO, Grant Poiner, leading an early youth exchange group from BGC Wales in Germany.


Participating in a youth exchange involves taking part in a non-formal learning experience, as young people will find themselves in a learning environment different from school. They will be in contact with people from different cultural backgrounds, speaking different languages and have a chance to participate in activities such as workshops, exercises, debates, role-plays, outdoor activities and more.


German young people from SKJ Rems-Murr in Wales at The Lodge, Bettws, Bridgend in the summer of 2022.


Applications for young people to travel to Germany in  2023 close on Friday 31 March! Young people can apply directly by scanning the QR code or clicking at:

The subsidised cost to attend is £200 per young person, but if this is a barrier for you then please get in touch with us via your youth leader and we can make arrangements as we never want money to be an obstacle for anyone.


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Bridgend CF35 5HZ

02920 575705

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Charity number:  1203908 (formerly 1009142)

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